One on One High Vibe Crystal Healing Session

Regular price $80.00
Crystal healing is the practice of using crystals, minerals, & metals on people & animals to bring about healing and to enhance wellness in the physical & energetic body. Crystal healing is one of the oldest natural modalities known to humans.

During a typical crystal healing session, stones may be placed on the body's seven chakras as one is guided through meditation and visualization to balance the body's energy, allowing the energy to flow freely. 

The crystals interact with the body's energy fields. The crystals can redirect and re-channel energy flow with their unique energetic vibrations, helping to unblock areas of the body or energy fields that have become stuck.  

Think of the flow of energy as a two-lane highway that runs the full length of your body. Just as a regular highway has two directions of traffic  (or movement), so does the energy that flows through your energy highway. Energy is constantly flowing through your Star Seed Chakra, traveling down your body and exiting through the  Earth Star Chakra. It also constantly flows in through the Earth Star Chakra, up the length of your body and out through your Star Seed Chakra in a never - ending loop of energy. 
To achieve optimum health & wellness, it is vital that both sides of the highway stay clear to prevent a jam causing significant obstruction on one or both side. To keep both sides clear,  we can work with the natural direction of energy flow to remove energetic blockages & keep the traffic flowing freely.  Physical toxins & waste are removed from the body through the organs and eliminated at the Root Chakra. Energetic waste is eliminated through the energy centers. Blockages caused by pain & trauma is energetically heavy so over time they migrate down the root. 

Once we understand this, we can use the downflow of energy to help unblock the chakras, remove energetic trauma & cleanse our energetic system.  The crystals act like a magnet & pull blocked energy downward and out the body. 

Crystal healing is a natural way to align your chakras, find inner peace, bring in more abundance, love, happiness,  joy,  spiritual awakening, heighten your intuition,  manifestation,  release trauma such as emotional  grief, self - acceptance, anger, sexual,  addiction, ADHD, fear, or releasing  energies that are causing blockages in your physical body such as headaches, back pain, fertility, pregnancy, low energy, stress & anxiety. 

Crystal Olson is a certified Crystal Master Healer  and has been a Crystal Healing  practitioner for 6 years.

Call for a free consultation with Crystal Olson at 720-635-7281 or email

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