I am a practicing psychic and metaphysical teacher. I have been involved in metaphysics for almost 50 years.
I give readings both online and in person, I teach classes in everything from psychic development to meditation to healing (I am also a reiki master).
I believe everyone is psychic and love nothing more than helping people discover and learn to use their psychic gifts.
I also run the Denver Introduction to Metaphysics Meetup. An almost 4300-member group which invites experts to come online and share their gifts twice a month.
I am beyond excited about being a reader at Cats Eye Crystals and look forward to reading for you. So come on down!

Cami is a practiced palm reader and spiritual healer. Cami uses palm reading to explore relationships, careers, and future life events. They inspire others to embrace spirituality and intuition. Their goals are to help others embrace and embark on a better future by promoting spiritual healing and overcoming past traumas.
Follow Cami on Instagram: @cosmospalmistry

Armando grew interested in astrology and tarot as a teenager and began reading for friends and at school fairs. Armando returned to his path as an initiate in 2018. He has since garnered a deeper understanding of alchemy, magickal arts, evolutionary and humanistic astrology, and Hermetic and Kabbalistic tarot. As the Mile High Priest, he is excited to integrate his intuitive skills as a messenger and interpreter of galactic guidance for many communities on their beautiful journeys.
When you select the Extended Astrology reading, Armando prepares an analysis of your chart beforehand to devote 45 minutes to discussing aspects that are personally affecting you. During the Extended Astrology reading, we discuss your foundational chart (Signs, Planets, House System, Aspects), gem recommendations, and current transits. The reading can be tailored to take you higher to discover the magic of astrology or take a deep dive and embody your astrology. You are the star of this show!
Follow Armando on Instagram! @milehighpriest

Hi, I’m Cairo!
I am a Psychic Medium who specializes in Past Life readings and Reiki healing.
I was born remembering my most recent past life from birth very vividly, leading me to a lifetime of healing and learning how life changing healing and knowing of our past incarnations can be.
Other than Past Life readings, I also offer General Readings, Love Readings, Soul Origin Readings and Aura Readings!
I’m so happy you are here, connecting soul to soul is my favorite part about this process!
Follow Cairo on Instagram! @cairomoon945

I'm Alex!
I've been a tea leaf reader ever since my youth. My grandma and I would drink jasmine tea from Styrofoam cups together and she would then ask what I saw in the remaining leaves and that was where my journey in Tasseomancy began. I've been reading Tarot ever since 2015 and have read professionally since 2019 under the pen name Low Magic Lexi. I'm an intuitive reader and a storyteller who uses the tools to craft together a tale that may offer you guidance and empower you on your journey!